Welcome to the first episode of the Argus News Report, a weekly news report on all things Wesleyan.

Our hosts, Ashley Tam ’12 and John Gallagher ’12 report on the current state of the H1N1 virus in Middletown and certain unexpected recipes at Usdan. Ashley is live on the scene at the annual WesWars competition while Shirin Nury ’12, our WesCeleb host, interviews Rose Agger ’10. Enjoy.

If you’d like to help produce shows like these, please get in touch. Specifically we’re looking for writers/journalists, and makeup/wardrobe. Contact Megan Stapleton ’11 at mstapleton@wes.


  1. Bryan Wood

    Excellent start Ashley and John, continue the good work, and I look forward to getting my Wesleyan news from you!

  2. Joyce Manchester

    I love the animated College Row to start the show, and the coverage of WesWars was brilliant! One small suggestion: can you add some cheer to the gray walls in the studio? Overall, a very fine beginning. Keep up the good work!

  3. sejrossi

    I realy enjoyed the production. It was very authentic and went in depth just enough so one could understand what might be important if you were on campus. It muxt be a good thing for students to see so they can get an eye view of some of what happens at wes, and what others feel about it. It had a lot of feeling and the news casters and interviewer were very connected to who might be watching. music great, beginning graphics, actual black and white background and photo graphic, ave a clean look to the n’casters!!

    Thanks and send me the next link to the next episode.

    It was very peopolle friendly and warm!


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